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How to Get the Most Out of the SidesFinder


How It Works

Every script on this site is sorted by age, gender, genre, race/ethnicity, medium (film or tv), role size, your actor "type", and whether it comes with instructional tips (direction) or not. We're adding more tips every day.

We suggest you start by choosing the filters that fit who you are. Then:

  • If you need to narrow down your results, make your filters more specific.

  • If you need to expand your results, try using the "ANY" option in some of the filters.

    • If you pick "ANY" for gender or race/ethnicity - these are roles that are not specific to any one option and can be played by a range of actors.

A Note on "Type"

Your Actor Type is the type of roles that feel authentic for you. For instance, if you identify as a charming nerd, your types might be "Charm" and "Intelligence".

It's important to have an arsenal of on-type scripts that will allow you to develop & show off your talent and skills. If you use these scripts for meetings with agent/managers, it also demonstrates to them the type of roles you can book.

We highly suggest using this filter to find the best material that will fit you. If your first searches don't yield scripts that feel like they fit - try sorting by a different type(s). You might also look for sides that are against type so you can expand your range.

Your At-Home Practice

Once you have narrowed down your search, it's time to download and start using your sides. We suggest starting with 10 to 15 sides at first. This will give you an initial batch to try out and work on.

You might record a self tape, then watch it back to see if the scene is a good fit for you, and to see how you could improve it.

Many of the scripts on this site include instructional tips & direction that will assist with your at-home practice so you can better prepare your scenes. We hope they are helpful!

The SidesFinder is here to help save you time & agony, and make you a better actor.

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